
In my yoga classes I have been using mala beads as a means of creating a calm and restful mind befor...

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Salute to the Sun (Surya Namaskara)

Salute to the Sun   (Surya Namaskara) Salute to the Sun has a few different names including the trad...

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What is a Sankalpa

Sowing the seed of  change Sankalpa is a Sanskrit word which translates to resolve or resolution. It...

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Yoga Nidra

Research has shown that Yoga Nidra has therapeutic benefits for people, this includes: · Reduction i...

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Ujjayi Breath

Ujjayi breath Ujjayi breath is a tranquillizing breathing practice (pranayama). This breath is relax...

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Nadi Shodhana - Alternate Nostril Breathing

What is Nadi Shodhana ? Nadi = subtle energy channel; Shodhana = cleaning, purification; Pranayama ...

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Bhramari Breathing

Bhramari Breath -  humming bee breath Why practice Bhramari breathing? The pranayama (breathing) pra...

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Golden Light Meditation

Golden Light Meditation This meditation moves a warm golden light around the outside of the body and...

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TTK   TTK is a series of three asana practices which assist the whole body and mind. I recommend you...

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Ajapa japa

What does Ajapa japa do? Ajapa japa is a very powerful meditation. It can take a lot of practice to ...

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Introduction to Essential Oils

Personal health and wellbeing are in demand by people of all backgrounds. There is a need to provide...

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Aromatouch® treatment

Our overall health is impacted every day. This can be through stress, sporting injuries, impurities ...

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Make sure your oils are pure

In my experience using essential oils I have been horrified that some companies and individuals have...

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